Monday, July 9, 2018

Stop Running Around the Room

The Digital Marketing Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Websites That Sell– Robert Bly (Entrepreneur)

So, how is your website doing? The so-called experts will all tell you that your business must have a web presence, but they don’t often tell you why. So, you go out and build out a website and depending on how much your budget is it may look slick, have some nifty doo-dads and maybe it even tells some of your business story, but how is it doing? Is your website driving sales, or customer experience; is it at least filling your sales funnel?

If you are scratching your head and not sure what the answers are, then you probably really have your answer. You may be guilty of what I call running around the room! Some guru tells you, you need a website or a Facebook page or a Twitter account, so you go out and do just that. The question then becomes, WHY? If you find yourself being pulled in twenty different directions, all the while chasing the new, shiny, thing; then you will want to take a break and invest some time with Robert Bly’s new book, The Digital Marketing Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Websites That Sell.

Bly has made a career out of cranking highly effective marketing copy that does exactly what it’s supposed to do; sell products and services. PERIOD. If you are a small business or looking to fire up a side hustle or even make the transition from side hustle to full blown business, this is a great starting place to gather knowledge of how to build out a website the actually makes you money! And isn’t that the bottom line?

If you are an experienced marketer, Bly approach may seem a little basic, but I can’t tell you how many people I work with that that invest in building out a website, only to have it not produce the results they thought it would and then who take the attitude that “this internet thing doesn’t work” or use the now famous line “I was too late, everybody already had a website like mine”.
Let’s face it, even folks who do this for a living are playing a game of catch up because the digital realm is changing seemingly every day. If you don’t have a solid foundation to build on then things like AdWords, landing pages, click through rates and the multitude of social media sites will all amount to deciphering hieroglyphics. Bly delivers the basics in easy to understand chunks and action steps that you can put into play right out of the box to start impacting your business today. Once you mastered the delivery, I would even suggest picking up one of Bly’s books on how to write effective copy that sells.

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