Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Impact Equation - Chris Brogan & Julien Smith (Portfolio)

The rallying cry among marketers for the past few years has gone something like this: "you've got to be on Facebook" or "are you Tweeting? Twitter is where it's at!" or "You don't have a blog yet?" Google +. Pintrest. Yada yada yada.

From Fortune 500 companies to Mom and Pop stores the clarion call of social media has been nearly irresistable. The question I have had and one that any smart marketer should be asking; does it work?! Is all the zeitgeist having an actual impact? We are spending all of this time, energy and money to be a part of something, but is it delivering the return, the results, and the impact that we want...or are we just making noise for the sake of making noise?

Chris Brogan and Julien Smith the authors of Trust Agents are back with The Impact Equation which helps conect business strategy and methodology and applying it to social platforms. Consider it a conect to purpose.

Brogan and Smith offer actionable steps that will not only help you be more impactful with your platforms, but also to tie platforms to your strategic plan. It's about being an impact player in your business whether you're just starting out or have been in the social media media game for a while.

They utilize the equation: Impact = C x (R+E+A+T+E). No you don't have to be a math wiz, just understandthat the equation stands for:

Contrast: Does your idea stand out?
Reach: How many people do you connect to?
Exposure: How often does your audience hear from you?
Articluation: Is your idea clear enough?
Trust: Do people believe you?
Echo: Does your idea connect to your audience?
While like all successful marketing, there is no one size fits all formula, The Impact Equation is about finding what works for you to maximize the impact and the outcomes of what you're doing.

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