Saturday, March 22, 2014

Business, Right to the Point.

The Executive Checklist – A Guide for Setting Direction and Managing Change – James M. Kerr (Palgrave)

There are literally hundreds of business books that bring a singular focus to one segment of a business or another. Many deliver an in depth approach to tackling those segmented problems, issues and strategies, but I find that the most useful are those that offer up action steps that are easy to put into play.

Author and management consultant James Kerr brings a broad base of experience in a variety of industry sectors. He applies that broad base of knowledge to a variety of business approaches to change management in his new book The Executive Checklist – A Guide for Setting Direction and Managing Change.

During my career I have worked in a variety of industries including entertainment, broadcasting, manufacturing, sports, and healthcare and no matter what the sector and no matter what the project, I have seen that a large percentage of problem solving and change management really boils down to effective communications. Many of the strategies and tactics that Kerr outlines in book offer guidance to effectively communicate about goals and process.

The checklist approach that Kerr lays out, prove to be an effective roadmap that can be applied and adapted to any business or project at any stage of development, be it a start up, a company looking at transformational change or a complete overhaul. The Executive Checklist is not an in depth, here’s what you should do book, but offers a structural framework to apply to your project and for you build upon. It proves to be a very effective tool for any leaders toolbox.  

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