Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Zombies Done Right

Zombie Loyalists- Using Great Customer Service to Create Rabid Fans – Peter Shankman (Palgrave Macmillan)

You have created the perfect marketing strategy; the ad campaign is clicking, the content marketing plan is driving customers to your business, reporters have bit on your PR plan hook, line, and sinker. You’ve spent the time and resources to build a monster plan that is working. Then the customer arrives and proceeds to get what they have almost come to expect from business today; they have a TERRIBLE customer service experience and all of the time, energy and money goes straight out the window.

And all those folks won’t sit there quietly, stewing about that awful experience; nope, they will tell people, lots of people! They will take to Facebook, Twitter and Yelp! and let people know exactly what they think about you and your business. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Enter marketing guru, social media dynamo and author Peter Shankman who makes the case that businesses should scrap what they currently do in the name of “customer service” and rebuild from the ground up. In the process Shankman details the processes that you can put in place to not only improve customer service and satisfaction, but also convert your customers into an army of acolytes who will not only improve your bottom line, but expand your customer base to grow your business.

The bottom line is that Shankman isn’t really plowing new territory here; he delivers a dose of some common sense things that you can do today that will set you apart from the pack. Just imagine the initial shock that your customer will feel when she experiences actual, good customer service. The follow up visit will be the clincher and you’ll be on your way to building your Zombie Army.

The great thing is Shankman delivers this dose of good business advice in an easygoing, straight forward manner and offers of real actionable steps you can take.