Friday, April 10, 2015

How to Standout in the Fire Hose of Information

Captivology – The Science of Capturing People’s Attention – Ben Parr (Harper One Books)

Think about those events, news stories, products, celebrities and phenomenon that we latch onto and just can’t get enough of. What is it that captures our attention and no matter how hard we try we can’t seem to get enough or shake free from their grip.

Marketers, producers, both established and wannabe stars and professorial types have all wondered, researched, explored and delved into the mysterious world of trying to figure out exactly what it is, what the magic quicksilver is that can grab us by the throats and not let go. With the fire hose of options we are confronted with on a daily basis, what is it that makes some things standout?

Enter writer, investor, and tech maven Ben Parr and science to explain it all. In Parr’s new book, Captivology – The Science of Capturing People’s Attention, he utilizes a pile of research to delve into the three types of attention; immediate, short and long and what it takes to not only elicit a response, but to engage the participant and then transition into building long term value, that sticky magic that has folks hanging around.

Along the way Parr identifies seven triggers, or tools that are part of the equation. Those triggers are:

·         Automaticity - or using sensory cues

·         Framing - adapting to someone’s view

·         Disruption - which challenges people’s expectations

·         Reward - the motivating of people either intrinsically or extrinsically

·         Reputation - which draws on experts to build a level of trust

·         Mystery - creating suspense to create intrigue

·         Acknowledgment - fostering a deep connection as people tend to pay attention to those who provide them with validation

Is this a business strategy book that will offer up actionable steps? No, not really; but what it lacks in strategy and tactics it does provide a level of deeper understanding of how the variety of tools that are available to businesses and individuals can put into play to capture audience and retain market share.

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