Sunday, June 2, 2013

Idris Mootee – 60 Minute Brand Strategist (Wiley Publishing)

How do you want your business to be known?

A seemingly simple question…that has caused business nightmares and cost them millions of dollars in the pursuit of a legitimate answer. With his self-described “essential brand book for marketing professionals” 60 Minute Brand Strategist Idris Mootee, chief executive officer of Idea Couture, seeks a simple answer to answer the question. He even goes so far as claiming that this 60 minute read should help marketers answer the question for their companies/clients.

I’m not certain Mootee lays claim to doing what so many have who have laid claim to in the past; to have the magic plan or strategy to deliver the branding goods. The simple fact is; there is a reason why so much has been written and claimed about this process, everyone thinks they have the answer or the perfect plan, when in reality, there is no perfect plan that fits every business. What I think Mootee does successfully is offer up a comprehensive breakdown of what successful brands have done well in an effort to road map methods of brand development.

Having been through the dynamic process of mission-ing and vision-ing strategy sessions that for a variety of businesses, the section on the strategic branding process was of particular interest.  The role of brand identity, brand personality and how it plays into the customer experience are key steps that many businesses forget or forgo in the branding process. Mootee boils the process down to ten step steps to pull together a disparate array of strategic and business information.

While 60 Minute Brand Strategist makes for a good refresher course for marketers, it may prove to be a useful tool to encourage buy in from C-Suite and other players in the business development and branding process.

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